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What’s in a name? A story of questions, answers, and perpetual motion

What’s in a name? A story of questions, answers, and perpetual motion

In the beginning, there was chaos. A large, granular mass of questions spinning and echoing around us. A vicious force that could hardly be tamed – or so we thought. Because within chaos laid hidden order. And with order came revelation…Did we dare disturb the universe?

When we started working as ECM engineers in an IT company, we thought our main job was to program. Little did we know that our mission was also to listen

In retrospect, it was all about listening to the customers’ speeches filled with questions: “How can we create digital processes on Content Server?” “How can we extend use cases?” “How can we achieve more value?” 

We began to link concrete actions to the questions but developing on Content Server wasn’t quite a precise science. As we wrestled with code and revisions through the cheers of our spectators, we soon realized a lack of cohesiveness in our efforts. There was never one sole answer to the questions, rather, an ensemble of solutions that kept sprawling.

Ushering in a New World

We began to observe the gap between what was and what could be, willing to find one overarching entity that could help organizations.

At first, we developed two separate modules that focused on creating enhanced web forms and scripting capabilities on the system. The modules were well received but their plurality didn’t quite satisfy us. As strange as it seems, most solutions in IT are not binary…

As we began to dig deeper, it finally shone on us, a spark of equilibrium in that quizzical turmoil:

“Why don’t we fuse all modules into one ecosystem that can give one answer to any request? Why don’t we construct a natural extension of Content Server, fully integrated and aligned with its evolution?”

One self-sufficient framework that is continuously powered with new technology and every tool needed to unleash the full power of the platform. And what if we could create it around a low-coding approach?

We called our newborn dimension AnswerModules and its new matter, the Module Suite.

The Butterfly Effect

They say the names we choose mirror some of our ambitions and profoundly felt intuitions. 

Since its conception, over 100 industry leaders have entered the world of Module Suite embracing its new vision of development along with us. 

We’ve been recognized as innovators for two years in a row (OpenText Innovation / Technology Award 2019 – OpenText Solution Extension of the Year 2020) and a range of system integrators are currently leveraging this technology which now offers more specialist functionality, covering all needs in terms of automation, UI / UX personalization, workflows, mobile & offline forms.

Throughout this evolutionary domino effect, however, one thing that’s remained untouched is motion.

The questions that generate movement and provoke tension still revolve around us. And in turn, this pushes us to look for the smart solutions out there.

Even though we don’t have an answer to all questions (…yet), we keep striving in the knowledge that there is always a better answer waiting to be found.

“Every problem has three solutions: my solution, your solution, and the right solution.” Plato

Can we give you the right answer to your queries? Browse our Module Suite Showcase, Linkedin or YouTube


December 3, 2024