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How to create Workflows that everybody will envy on Content Suite & Extended ECM

How to create Workflows that everybody will envy on Content Suite & Extended ECM

It’s no news that Content Suite & Extended ECM (CSP/xECM), among other things, stands as a fantastic platform in which to create content-centric workflows. Such applications hugely facilitate business processes, however, as information workers seek for greater personalization and automation, even the CSP/xECM workflow engine may fall short of expectations. Moreover, when dealing with larger teams, longer review cycles and even tighter deadlines for delivery, creating efficient processes can be truly challenging.

So why add to the frustration? 

Join the Workflow Revolution

Module Suite  is a fully integrated add-on software that enhances the standard CSP/xECM workflow engine by providing boosted automation, outstanding customization and yes, stunning simplicity.

In a nutshell, Module Suite can simplify the most complex workflows while adding more functionalities. As a result, workflow maps are designed around your business process rather than the other way around. Just look at the image below.

The Workflow Enhancement Manifesto

  1. Presenting data through dynamic forms: end-users are provided with advanced forms with which to interact with the WF
  2. Adding automation: easily implement the most complex automations, routing mechanisms and work distribution logics. A vast library of APIs can automate numerous actions within WF steps avoiding unnecessary complexity
  3. Sharing data with remote systems: external services can be called automatically as part of a WF step thanks to REST/SOAP based Web Services
  4. Programmatically create workflows: the brand new Process Builder, lets you automate WF creation & configuration

 Acting on the Script

The greatest innovation brought about by Module Suite is being able to execute Content Scripts as Event-based scripts that can be associated to individual WF steps.

It goes without saying that event-triggered scripts open countless possibilities for custom automation. For example, a query to an external application can be performed to dynamically determine the task assignee; or actions could be assigned based on users’ availability in Outlook Calendar. You name it, we have it.

(Literally) 1-step ahead

Regardless of which type of process, when designing WFs you’ll quickly come to terms with one inevitable fact: workflow maps feature redundant steps which will eventually cause poor maintainability as the business grows. Thanks to Module Suite there is no need to worry as more content flows through critical business processes: with our scripting engine it is possible to aggregate multiple steps into one, drastically improving the design experience.

Here’s another example (one of many) of Module Suite’s WF enhancements:


Workflow Design

All of this can be achieved with minimal technical skills and in a fraction of the time thanks to a low-coding technology truly rendering Module Suite as the be-all and end-all of workflow optimization on CSP/xECM.

Feeling skeptical still? Try it out yourself.

Want to discuss how Module Suite can help you make the most out of your ECM investments? Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you asap.


December 3, 2024