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Third Party Due Diligence


Third Party Due Diligence

Easily initiate and conduct assessment of third parties on Extended ECM.


If you would like to try one of our sample processes,
just click below and fill in the form.
We’ll be providing you with the demo package and script,
so you can install it on your Extended ECM platform and test it.

Key Challenges

Third-party due diligence is the process of appraising a third party before engaging in a business relationship with them, in order to ensure that they are compliant with laws, regulations, and the ethical standards of the engaging organization.

To build such a solution on Extended ECM, some key elements should be considered:

Process Walkthrough

Process Walkthrough

Key Features

  • Tasks automatically change their status as they progress. Key milestones are automatically ‘unlocked’ once all the activities of the previous milestone have been completed
  • Company information is automatically injected into the document to replace the related placeholders
  • Check boxes for Mandatory documents are automatically flagged and selected based on the type of Due Diligence process to be performed
  • Easily connect to external systems to perform a preliminary screening and verify 3° party status.
  • Integrate Extended ECM with the preferred e-signature tool exposing SOAP Web Services or REST APIs
  • Seamlessly share files and documents with the external legal office through Core Share
  • Smart Data Grid widgets to effortlessly handle data pagination, sort and filter results, as well as simply combine data and sort multiple columns simultaneously for a more comprehensive view.

Script Console is one of the core components of Module Suite that allows to expose forms – designed and implemented within Extended ECM – to external users with no access to the platform. In this way, external users are able to share & upload documentation, edit data and make comments that will be synchronized back on Extended ECM.



As described in the graphic above, form data submitted by external users (form data packages) are synchronized back to OT Extended ECM using direct service calls.


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