Factory Line Management
Module Suite Forms can act as catalysts for data processing and business intelligence. Learn how in this sample development

Key Challenges
What makes a good Factory Line Management solution? In short, informative dashboards backed by custom automation.
This example will show how Module Suite can help you deliver Business Intelligence features on your ECM platform by tackling these challenges:
- Collecting & archiving production data via user-friendly tools
- Implementing real-time incident reporting
- Building dynamic dashboards to supervise line productivity & other KPIs

Process Walkthrough
This sample solution has been developed to showcase the potential of Module Suite
One form, multiple purposes
Module Suite forms are so great because they can serve a variety of use cases, from creating user-friendly views, to processing data.
Moreover, thanks to their advanced technology, forms can be designed to match individual needs and include strong validation logic to minimize human errors
Key Features
- Real-time generation of a PDF report based on specific data
- Custom analytics are calculated over form data and processed with Module Suite Content Script, the first native scripting engine for OpenText Content Suite
- Enhanced forms with robust validation allowing for total control of the collected data
- Forms are seamlessly integrated into the Smart UI tiles
- Custom search capabilities are embedded directly in the main dashboard
- Charts & graphs widgets to build analytical dashboards